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TABKAM X1 plus is a system composed by a Tablet and a wireless 5 Megapixel camera that makes working with microscopes easy and fast by acquiring and sharing images through a wireless network and as well check documents, read emails and browse the Internet all with one device to use in Labs and universities.

Just mount the camera on to your microscope and open the pre-installed APP on the tablet and start to acquire images of your specimen under the microscope. Once acquired the image with the APP you can work on it through many functions, such as creating reports, measure, counting cells, adjusting colors/contrast etc..
More than one tablet can view the same image at same time from one connected microscope, ideal for classroom work or quality checking - No need to connect the microscope to a PC.

TABKAM X1 plus can be used for all biological as well as all stereo microscopes monocular, binocular, and trinocular with the right C-mount (not included).

Included in the package:

10 inch tablet, supplied with multilingual software specially developed for Tablets for image capture and analysis (languages: EN, FR, DE, PT, ES, IT), Lithium polymer (LiPo) EIGHT hour lifetime battery

Wireless 5 Megapixel color CMOS camera

Power supply, with EU,UK,US plugs

Slide with calibration circles

Table support for Tablet



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